When I heard President Obama was receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, my first reaction was, well, shocked. I wasn't sure if that honor was typically given to presidents - especially one so new to the office. I associated that award with people whose names I typically can't pronounce who I haven't ever heard of (with the exception of them winning the Nobel Prize) who do something truly miraculous.
As I thought more about it, I came to the conclusion that as much as it caught me, and many other citizens, off guard, I felt he deserved it. People talk and talk about all the wonderful things he's done and planned and is putting into motion, but this really put a name or a face on his achievements to me. That being said, I can understand where those who felt he did not deserve the award were coming from. At least those who had legitimate reasons - not those who opposed him receiving the award just to oppose him. I might not agree with them, but I don't think many were expecting this.
President Obama came into office with an enormous disaster of a mess to be sorted out and cleaned up. Through all the unemployment, health care, and recession problems, he has still managed to smooth the rough edges of many of our foreign relations and inspired others to do the same. And that is exactly what won Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize; "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."