In the editorial article, "It's just addition by subtraction," the author makes a clear, vivid argument directed at parents with children in Texas schools, teachers, the State Board of Education; taxpayers. The article speaks to both those who are for abstinence only sex education and those who are for a broader sex education curriculum. The author seems to believe that abstinence is a vastly important topic in sex education, but that it "should be part of a more comprehensive sexuality curriculum." The argument essentially shouts a great big wake up call to those who support abstinence-only sex education, despite astounding evidence that it is counter productive. The author proves his credibility with statistics and is obviously passionate and knowledgeable on the topic. I completely agree with the author's argument in this article, and I find it incredible that State officials, voters, and taxpayers, most with children in the Texas school system, are continually in denial about what their children need. Even with statistics as undeniable proof staring them in the face, they continue to look the other way and throw more money at a counterproductive, black hole of a "solution" to the problem! I find it both ironic and appalling that Texas ranks third in the country for teenage birth rates, and sad that "in many cases, students were getting misleading and inaccurate information about the risks associated with sex." The author's main opinion is apparent and is supported by statistical evidence throughout the article. Given the statistics provided, it is almost safe to call the author's opinion fact, rather than an argument.
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